
class SpaceCenter : public krpc::Service

Provides functionality to interact with Kerbal Space Program. This includes controlling the active vessel, managing its resources, planning maneuver nodes and auto-piloting.

SpaceCenter(krpc::Client *client)

Construct an instance of this service.

float science()

The current amount of science.

double funds()

The current amount of funds.

float reputation()

The current amount of reputation.

Vessel active_vessel()
void set_active_vessel(Vessel value)

The currently active vessel.

Game Scenes:


std::vector<Vessel> vessels()

A list of all the vessels in the game.

std::vector<LaunchSite> launch_sites()

A list of available launch sites.

std::map<std::string, CelestialBody> bodies()

A dictionary of all celestial bodies (planets, moons, etc.) in the game, keyed by the name of the body.

CelestialBody target_body()
void set_target_body(CelestialBody value)

The currently targeted celestial body.

Game Scenes:


Vessel target_vessel()
void set_target_vessel(Vessel value)

The currently targeted vessel.

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DockingPort target_docking_port()
void set_target_docking_port(DockingPort value)

The currently targeted docking port.

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void clear_target()

Clears the current target.

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std::vector<std::string> launchable_vessels(std::string craft_directory)

Returns a list of vessels from the given craft_directory that can be launched.

  • craft_directory – Name of the directory in the current saves “Ships” directory. For example "VAB" or "SPH".

void launch_vessel(std::string craft_directory, std::string name, std::string launch_site, bool recover = true, std::vector<std::string> crew = std::vector<std::string>(), std::string flag_url = "")

Launch a vessel.

  • craft_directory – Name of the directory in the current saves “Ships” directory, that contains the craft file. For example "VAB" or "SPH".

  • name – Name of the vessel to launch. This is the name of the “.craft” file in the save directory, without the “.craft” file extension.

  • launch_site – Name of the launch site. For example "LaunchPad" or "Runway".

  • recover – If true and there is a vessel on the launch site, recover it before launching.

  • crew – If not NULL, a list of names of Kerbals to place in the craft. Otherwise the crew will use default assignments.

  • flag_url – If not NULL, the asset URL of the mission flag to use for the launch.


Throws an exception if any of the games pre-flight checks fail.

void launch_vessel_from_vab(std::string name, bool recover = true)

Launch a new vessel from the VAB onto the launchpad.

  • name – Name of the vessel to launch.

  • recover – If true and there is a vessel on the launch pad, recover it before launching.


This is equivalent to calling launch_vessel() with the craft directory set to “VAB” and the launch site set to “LaunchPad”. Throws an exception if any of the games pre-flight checks fail.

void launch_vessel_from_sph(std::string name, bool recover = true)

Launch a new vessel from the SPH onto the runway.

  • name – Name of the vessel to launch.

  • recover – If true and there is a vessel on the runway, recover it before launching.


This is equivalent to calling launch_vessel() with the craft directory set to “SPH” and the launch site set to “Runway”. Throws an exception if any of the games pre-flight checks fail.

void save(std::string name)

Save the game with a given name. This will create a save file called name.sfs in the folder of the current save game.

  • name – Name of the save.

void load(std::string name)

Load the game with the given name. This will create a load a save file called name.sfs from the folder of the current save game.

  • name – Name of the save.

void quicksave()

Save a quicksave.


This is the same as calling save() with the name “quicksave”.

void quickload()

Load a quicksave.


This is the same as calling load() with the name “quicksave”.

bool can_revert_to_launch()

Whether the current flight can be reverted to launch.

void revert_to_launch()

Revert the current flight to launch.

void transfer_crew(CrewMember crew_member, Part target_part)

Transfers a crew member to a different part.

  • crew_member – The crew member to transfer.

  • target_part – The part to move them to.

Game Scenes:


bool ui_visible()
void set_ui_visible(bool value)

Whether the UI is visible.

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bool navball()
void set_navball(bool value)

Whether the navball is visible.

Game Scenes:


double ut()

The current universal time in seconds.

double g()

The value of the gravitational constant G in \(N(m/kg)^2\).

float warp_rate()

The current warp rate. This is the rate at which time is passing for either on-rails or physical time warp. For example, a value of 10 means time is passing 10x faster than normal. Returns 1 if time warp is not active.

Game Scenes:


float warp_factor()

The current warp factor. This is the index of the rate at which time is passing for either regular “on-rails” or physical time warp. Returns 0 if time warp is not active. When in on-rails time warp, this is equal to rails_warp_factor(), and in physics time warp, this is equal to physics_warp_factor().

Game Scenes:


int32_t rails_warp_factor()
void set_rails_warp_factor(int32_t value)

The time warp rate, using regular “on-rails” time warp. A value between 0 and 7 inclusive. 0 means no time warp. Returns 0 if physical time warp is active.

If requested time warp factor cannot be set, it will be set to the next lowest possible value. For example, if the vessel is too close to a planet. See the KSP wiki for details.

Game Scenes:


int32_t physics_warp_factor()
void set_physics_warp_factor(int32_t value)

The physical time warp rate. A value between 0 and 3 inclusive. 0 means no time warp. Returns 0 if regular “on-rails” time warp is active.

Game Scenes:


bool can_rails_warp_at(int32_t factor = 1)

Returns true if regular “on-rails” time warp can be used, at the specified warp factor. The maximum time warp rate is limited by various things, including how close the active vessel is to a planet. See the KSP wiki for details.

  • factor – The warp factor to check.

Game Scenes:


int32_t maximum_rails_warp_factor()

The current maximum regular “on-rails” warp factor that can be set. A value between 0 and 7 inclusive. See the KSP wiki for details.

Game Scenes:


void warp_to(double ut, float max_rails_rate = 100000.0, float max_physics_rate = 2.0)

Uses time acceleration to warp forward to a time in the future, specified by universal time ut. This call blocks until the desired time is reached. Uses regular “on-rails” or physical time warp as appropriate. For example, physical time warp is used when the active vessel is traveling through an atmosphere. When using regular “on-rails” time warp, the warp rate is limited by max_rails_rate, and when using physical time warp, the warp rate is limited by max_physics_rate.

  • ut – The universal time to warp to, in seconds.

  • max_rails_rate – The maximum warp rate in regular “on-rails” time warp.

  • max_physics_rate – The maximum warp rate in physical time warp.


When the time warp is complete.

Game Scenes:


std::tuple<double, double, double> transform_position(std::tuple<double, double, double> position, ReferenceFrame from, ReferenceFrame to)

Converts a position from one reference frame to another.

  • position – Position, as a vector, in reference frame from.

  • from – The reference frame that the position is in.

  • to – The reference frame to covert the position to.


The corresponding position, as a vector, in reference frame to.

std::tuple<double, double, double> transform_direction(std::tuple<double, double, double> direction, ReferenceFrame from, ReferenceFrame to)

Converts a direction from one reference frame to another.

  • direction – Direction, as a vector, in reference frame from.

  • from – The reference frame that the direction is in.

  • to – The reference frame to covert the direction to.


The corresponding direction, as a vector, in reference frame to.

std::tuple<double, double, double, double> transform_rotation(std::tuple<double, double, double, double> rotation, ReferenceFrame from, ReferenceFrame to)

Converts a rotation from one reference frame to another.

  • rotation – Rotation, as a quaternion of the form \((x, y, z, w)\), in reference frame from.

  • from – The reference frame that the rotation is in.

  • to – The reference frame to covert the rotation to.


The corresponding rotation, as a quaternion of the form \((x, y, z, w)\), in reference frame to.

std::tuple<double, double, double> transform_velocity(std::tuple<double, double, double> position, std::tuple<double, double, double> velocity, ReferenceFrame from, ReferenceFrame to)

Converts a velocity (acting at the specified position) from one reference frame to another. The position is required to take the relative angular velocity of the reference frames into account.

  • position – Position, as a vector, in reference frame from.

  • velocity – Velocity, as a vector that points in the direction of travel and whose magnitude is the speed in meters per second, in reference frame from.

  • from – The reference frame that the position and velocity are in.

  • to – The reference frame to covert the velocity to.


The corresponding velocity, as a vector, in reference frame to.

double raycast_distance(std::tuple<double, double, double> position, std::tuple<double, double, double> direction, ReferenceFrame reference_frame)

Cast a ray from a given position in a given direction, and return the distance to the hit point. If no hit occurs, returns infinity.

  • position – Position, as a vector, of the origin of the ray.

  • direction – Direction of the ray, as a unit vector.

  • reference_frame – The reference frame that the position and direction are in.


The distance to the hit, in meters, or infinity if there was no hit.

Part raycast_part(std::tuple<double, double, double> position, std::tuple<double, double, double> direction, ReferenceFrame reference_frame)

Cast a ray from a given position in a given direction, and return the part that it hits. If no hit occurs, returns NULL.

  • position – Position, as a vector, of the origin of the ray.

  • direction – Direction of the ray, as a unit vector.

  • reference_frame – The reference frame that the position and direction are in.


The part that was hit or NULL if there was no hit.

Game Scenes:


bool far_available()

Whether Ferram Aerospace Research is installed.

void create_kerbal(std::string name, std::string job, bool male)

Creates a Kerbal.


CrewMember get_kerbal(std::string name)

Find a Kerbal by name.


void load_space_center()

Switch to the space center view.

MapFilterType map_filter()
void set_map_filter(MapFilterType value)

The visible objects in map mode.

void screenshot(std::string file_path, int32_t scale = 1)

Saves a screenshot.

  • file_path – The path of the file to save.

  • scale – Resolution scaling factor

Game Scenes:


GameMode game_mode()

The current mode the game is in.

WarpMode warp_mode()

The current time warp mode. Returns WarpMode::none if time warp is not active, WarpMode::rails if regular “on-rails” time warp is active, or WarpMode::physics if physical time warp is active.

Game Scenes:


Camera camera()

An object that can be used to control the camera.

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WaypointManager waypoint_manager()

The waypoint manager.

Game Scenes:


ContractManager contract_manager()

The contract manager.

AlarmManager alarm_manager()

The alarm manager.

enum struct GameMode

The game mode. Returned by GameMode

enumerator sandbox

Sandbox mode.

enumerator career

Career mode.

enumerator science

Science career mode.

enumerator science_sandbox

Science sandbox mode.

enumerator mission

Mission mode.

enumerator mission_builder

Mission builder mode.

enumerator scenario

Scenario mode.

enumerator scenario_non_resumable

Scenario mode that cannot be resumed.

enum struct WarpMode

The time warp mode. Returned by WarpMode

enumerator rails

Time warp is active, and in regular “on-rails” mode.

enumerator physics

Time warp is active, and in physical time warp mode.

enumerator none

Time warp is not active.

enum struct MapFilterType

The set of things that are visible in map mode. These may be combined with bitwise logic.

enumerator all


enumerator none


enumerator debris


enumerator unknown


enumerator space_objects


enumerator probes


enumerator rovers


enumerator landers


enumerator ships


enumerator stations


enumerator bases


enumerator ev_as


enumerator flags


enumerator plane


enumerator relay


enumerator site

Launch Sites.

enumerator deployed_science_controller

Deployed Science Controllers.

class LaunchSite

A place where craft can be launched from. More of these can be added with mods like Kerbal Konstructs.

std::string name()

The name of the launch site.

CelestialBody body()

The celestial body the launch site is on.

EditorFacility editor_facility()

Which editor is normally used for this launch site.

enum struct EditorFacility

Editor facility. See LaunchSite::editor_facility().

enumerator vab

Vehicle Assembly Building.

enumerator sph

Space Plane Hanger.

enumerator none
