
class ContractManager

Contracts manager. Obtained by calling contract_manager().

std::set<std::string> types()

A list of all contract types.

std::vector<Contract> all_contracts()

A list of all contracts.

std::vector<Contract> active_contracts()

A list of all active contracts.

std::vector<Contract> offered_contracts()

A list of all offered, but unaccepted, contracts.

std::vector<Contract> completed_contracts()

A list of all completed contracts.

std::vector<Contract> failed_contracts()

A list of all failed contracts.

class Contract

A contract. Can be accessed using contract_manager().

std::string type()

Type of the contract.

std::string title()

Title of the contract.

std::string description()

Description of the contract.

std::string notes()

Notes for the contract.

std::string synopsis()

Synopsis for the contract.

std::vector<std::string> keywords()

Keywords for the contract.

ContractState state()

State of the contract.

bool seen()

Whether the contract has been seen.

bool read()

Whether the contract has been read.

bool active()

Whether the contract is active.

bool failed()

Whether the contract has been failed.

bool can_be_canceled()

Whether the contract can be canceled.

bool can_be_declined()

Whether the contract can be declined.

bool can_be_failed()

Whether the contract can be failed.

void accept()

Accept an offered contract.

void cancel()

Cancel an active contract.

void decline()

Decline an offered contract.

double funds_advance()

Funds received when accepting the contract.

double funds_completion()

Funds received on completion of the contract.

double funds_failure()

Funds lost if the contract is failed.

double reputation_completion()

Reputation gained on completion of the contract.

double reputation_failure()

Reputation lost if the contract is failed.

double science_completion()

Science gained on completion of the contract.

std::vector<ContractParameter> parameters()

Parameters for the contract.

enum struct ContractState

The state of a contract. See Contract::state().

enumerator active

The contract is active.

enumerator canceled

The contract has been canceled.

enumerator completed

The contract has been completed.

enumerator deadline_expired

The deadline for the contract has expired.

enumerator declined

The contract has been declined.

enumerator failed

The contract has been failed.

enumerator generated

The contract has been generated.

enumerator offered

The contract has been offered to the player.

enumerator offer_expired

The contract was offered to the player, but the offer expired.

enumerator withdrawn

The contract has been withdrawn.

class ContractParameter

A contract parameter. See Contract::parameters().

std::string title()

Title of the parameter.

std::string notes()

Notes for the parameter.

std::vector<ContractParameter> children()

Child contract parameters.

bool completed()

Whether the parameter has been completed.

bool failed()

Whether the parameter has been failed.

bool optional()

Whether the contract parameter is optional.

double funds_completion()

Funds received on completion of the contract parameter.

double funds_failure()

Funds lost if the contract parameter is failed.

double reputation_completion()

Reputation gained on completion of the contract parameter.

double reputation_failure()

Reputation lost if the contract parameter is failed.

double science_completion()

Science gained on completion of the contract parameter.