Extending kRPC

The kRPC Architecture

kRPC consists of two components: a server and a client. The server plugin (provided by KRPC.dll) runs inside KSP. It provides a collection of procedures that clients can run. These procedures are arranged in groups called services to keep things organized. It also provides an in-game user interface that can be used to start/stop the server, change settings and monitor active clients.

Clients run outside of KSP. This gives you the freedom to run scripts in whatever environment you want. A client communicates with the server to run procedures using one of the supported Communication Protocols. kRPC comes with several client libraries that implement one of these protocols, making it easier to write programs in these languages.

kRPC comes with a collection of standard functionality for interacting with vessels, contained in a service called SpaceCenter. This service provides procedures for things like getting flight/orbital data and controlling the active vessel. This service is provided by KRPC.SpaceCenter.dll.

Service API

Third party mods can add functionality to kRPC using the Service API. This is done by adding attributes to your own classes, methods and properties to make them visible through the server. When the kRPC server starts, it scans all the assemblies loaded by the game, looking for classes, methods and properties with these attributes.

The following example implements a service that can control the throttle and staging of the active vessel. To add this to the server, compile the code and place the DLL in your GameData directory.

using KRPC.Service;
using KRPC.Service.Attributes;
using KSP.UI.Screens;

namespace LaunchControl
    /// <summary>
    /// Service for staging vessels and controlling their throttle.
    /// </summary>
    [KRPCService (GameScene = GameScene.Flight)]
    public static class LaunchControl
        /// <summary>
        /// The current throttle setting for the active vessel, between 0 and 1.
        /// </summary>
        public static float Throttle {
            get { return FlightInputHandler.state.mainThrottle; }
            set { FlightInputHandler.state.mainThrottle = value; }

        /// <summary>
        /// Activate the next stage in the vessel.
        /// </summary>
        public static void ActivateStage ()
            StageManager.ActivateNextStage ();

The following example shows how this service can then be used from a python client:

import krpc
conn = krpc.connect()
conn.launch_control.throttle = 1

Some of the client libraries automatically pick up changes to the functionality provided by the server, including the Python and Lua clients. However, some clients require code to be generated from the service assembly so that they can interact with new or changed functionality. See clientgen for details on how to generate this code.


The following C# attributes can be used to add functionality to the kRPC server.

KRPCService (String Name, KRPC.Service.GameScene GameScene = KRPC.Service.GameScene.All)
  • Name – Optional name for the service. If omitted, the service name is set to the name of the class this attribute is applied to.

  • GameScene – The game scenes in which the services procedures are available. Defaults to all game scenes. If this is set to KRPC.Service.GameScene.Inherit the service will be available in all game scenes.

This attribute is applied to a static class, to indicate that all methods, properties and classes declared within it are part of the the same service. The name of the service is set to the name of the class, or – if present – the Name parameter.

Multiple services with the same name can be declared, as long the classes, procedures and methods they contain have unique names. The classes will be merged to appear as a single service on the server.

The type to which this attribute is applied must satisfy the following criteria:

  • The type must be a class.

  • The class must be public static.

  • The name of the class, or the Name parameter if specified, must be a valid kRPC identifier.

  • The class must not be declared within another class that has the KRPCService attribute. Nesting of services is not permitted.

Services are configured to be available in specific game scenes via the GameScene parameter. If the GameScene parameter is not specified, the service is available in any scene. If a procedure is called when the service is not available, it will throw an exception.


  • Declare a service called EVA:

    public static class EVA {
  • Declare a service called MyEVAService (different to the name of the class):

    [KRPCService (Name = "MyEVAService")]
    public static class EVA {
  • Declare a service called FlightTools that is only available during the Flight game scene:

    [KRPCService (GameScene = GameScene.Flight)]
    public static class FlightTools {
KRPCProcedure (Boolean Nullable = false, KRPC.Service.GameScene GameScene = KRPC.Service.GameScene.Inherit)
  • Nullable – Whether the return value of the procedure can be null. Defaults to false.

  • GameScene – The game scenes in which the procedure is available. Defaults to inherit this setting from the service the procedure is defined in.

This attribute is applied to static methods, to add them to the server as procedures.

The method to which this attribute is applied must satisfy the following criteria:

If the procedure might return a null value, the Nullable parameter of the attribute must be set to true.


The following defines a service called EVA with a PlantFlag procedure that takes a name and an optional description, and returns a Flag object.

public static class EVA {
    public static Flag PlantFlag (string name, string description = "")

This can be called from a python client as follows:

import krpc
conn = krpc.connect()
flag = conn.eva.plant_flag('Landing Site', 'One small step for Kerbal-kind')
KRPCClass (String Service, KRPC.Service.GameScene GameScene = KRPC.Service.GameScene.Inherit)
  • Service – Optional name of the service to add this class to. If omitted, the class is added to the service that contains its definition.

  • GameScene – The game scenes in which the class’ methods and properties are available. Defaults to inherit this setting from the service the class is defined in.

This attribute is applied to non-static classes. It adds the class to the server, so that references to instances of the class can be passed between client and server.

A KRPCClass must be part of a service, just like a KRPCProcedure. However, it would be restrictive if the class had to be declared as a nested class inside a class with the KRPCService attribute. Therefore, a KRPCClass can be declared outside of any service if it has the Service parameter set to the name of the service that it is part of. Also, the service that the Service parameter refers to does not have to exist. If it does not exist, a service with the given name is created.

A class’ methods and properties can be configured to be available in specific game scenes via the GameScene parameter on the class. If the GameScene parameter is not specified, the class’ methods and properties are available in the same game scenes as the service the class is defined in. Individual class methods and properties can override this setting.

The class to which this attribute is applied must satisfy the following criteria:

  • The class must be public and not static.

  • The name of the class must be a valid kRPC identifier.

  • The class must either be declared inside a class that is a KRPCService, or have its Service parameter set to the name of the service it is part of.


  • Declare a class called Flag in the EVA service:

    public static class EVA {
        public class Flag {
  • Declare a class called Flag, without nesting the class definition in a service class:

    [KRPCClass (Service = "EVA")]
    public class Flag {
KRPCMethod (Boolean Nullable = false, KRPC.Service.GameScene GameScene = KRPC.Service.GameScene.Inherit)
  • Nullable – Whether the return value of the procedure can be null. Defaults to false.

  • GameScene – The game scenes in which the method is available. Defaults to inherit this setting from the class the method is defined in.

This attribute is applied to methods inside a KRPCClass. This allows a client to call methods on an instance, or static methods in the class.

The method to which this attribute is applied must satisfy the following criteria:

If the method might return a null value, the Nullable parameter of the attribute must be set to true.


Declare a Remove method in the Flag class:

[KRPCClass (Service = "EVA")]
public class Flag {
    void Remove()
KRPCProperty (Boolean Nullable = false, KRPC.Service.GameScene GameScene = KRPC.Service.GameScene.Inherit)
  • Nullable – Whether the return value of the procedure can be null. Defaults to false.

  • GameScene – The game scenes in which the property is available. Defaults to inherit this setting from the class the property is defined in.

This attribute is applied to class properties, and comes in two flavors:

  1. Applied to static properties in a KRPCService. In this case, the property must satisfy the following criteria:

    • Must be public static and have at least one publicly accessible getter or setter.

    • The name of the property must be a valid kRPC identifier.

    • Must be declared inside a KRPCService.

  2. Applied to non-static properties in a KRPCClass. In this case, the property must satisfy the following criteria:

    • Must be public and not static, and have at least one publicly accessible getter or setter.

    • The name of the property must be a valid kRPC identifier.

    • Must be declared inside a KRPCClass.

If the property getter might return a null value, the Nullable parameter of the attribute must be set to true.


  • Applied to a static property in a service:

    public static class EVA {
        public Flag LastFlag
            get { ... }

    This property can be accessed from a python client as follows:

    import krpc
    conn = krpc.connect()
    flag = conn.eva.last_flag
  • Applied to a non-static property in a class:

    [KRPCClass (Service = "EVA")]
    public class Flag {
        public void Name { get; set; }
        public void Description { get; set; }
KRPCEnum (String Service)
  • Service – Optional name of the service to add this enum to. If omitted, the enum is added to the service that contains its definition.

This attribute is applied to enumeration types. It adds the enumeration and its permissible values to the server. This attribute works similarly to KRPCClass, but is applied to enumeration types.

A KRPCEnum must be part of a service, just like a KRPCClass. Similarly, a KRPCEnum can be declared outside of a service if it has its Service parameter set to the name of the service that it is part of.

The enumeration type to which this attribute is applied must satisfy the following criteria:

  • The enumeration must be public.

  • The name of the enumeration must be a valid kRPC identifier.

  • The enumeration must either be declared inside a KRPCService, or have it’s Service parameter set to the name of the service it is part of.

  • The underlying C# type must be an int.


  • Declare an enumeration type with two values:

    [KRPCEnum (Service = "EVA")]
    public enum FlagState {

    This can be used from a python client as follows:

    import krpc
    conn = krpc.connect()
    state = conn.eva.FlagState.lowered
KRPCException (String Service, Type MappedException)
  • Service – Optional name of the service to add this enum to. If omitted, the enum is added to the service that contains its definition.

  • MappedException – Optional type of an exception to map to this exception. For example, can be used to map a built-in C# exception type onto this kRPC exception type.

This attribute is applied to an exception class type.

A KRPCException must be part of a service, just like a KRPCClass. Similarly, a KRPCException can be declared outside of a service if it has its Service parameter set to the name of the service that it is part of.

The class type to which this attribute is applied must satisfy the following criteria:

  • The class must be public.

  • The name of the class must be a valid kRPC identifier.

  • The class must either be declared inside a KRPCService, or have it’s Service parameter set to the name of the service it is part of.

KRPCDefaultValue (Type ValueConstructor)
  • ValueConstructor – Type of a static class with a Create method that returns an instance of the default value.

This attribute can be applied to a kRPC procedure/class method parameter. It provides a workaround to set the default value of a parameter to a non-compile time constant. Ordinarily, C# only allows compile time constants to be used as the values of default arguments.

The ValueConstructor parameter is the type of a static class that contains a static method, called Create. When invoked, this method should return the default value.

Note: If you just want to set the default value to a compile time constant, use the C# syntax. kRPC will detect the default values and use them.


  • Set the default value to a list:

    public static class DefaultKerbals
        public static IList<string> Create ()
            return new List<string> { "Jeb", "Bill", "Bob" };
    public static void HireKerbals (
        [KRPCDefaultValue (typeof(DefaultKerbals))] IList<string> names)
  • Set the default value to a compile time constant, which does not require the KRPCDefaultValue attribute:

    public static void HireKerbal (string name = "Jeb")

This attribute can be applied to a kRPC procedure/class method parameter that has a class type. It indicates that the parameter is permitted to be null. Without this attribute, a client can assume that the parameter should never be null.

Note: the server does not check if a value passed to an RPC is null. This needs to be explicitly checked in the RPC’s code (if desired) and an appropriate exception thrown. This attribute is only used as a hint to the client that the parameter is nullable.


public static class EVA {
    public static void DestroyVessel ([KRPCNullable] Vessel vessel)
        // don't do anything if vessel is null


An identifier can only contain letters and numbers, and must start with an upper case letter. They should follow CamelCase capitalization conventions.

Serializable Types

A type can only be used as a parameter or return type if kRPC knows how to serialize it. The following types are serializable:

  • The C# types double, float, int, long, uint, ulong, bool, string and byte[]

  • Any type annotated with KRPCClass

  • Any type annotated with KRPCEnum

  • Collections of serializable types:

    • System.Collections.Generic.IList<T> where T is a serializable type

    • System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<K,V> where K is one of int, long, uint, ulong, bool or string and V is a serializable type

    • System.Collections.HashSet<V> where V is a serializable type

  • Return types can be void

  • Protocol buffer message types from namespace KRPC.Service.Messages


kRPC procedures, methods and properties can return event objects to clients. This is done using the class KRPC.Services.Event. This class supports two different types of event.

Manually Triggered Events

This type of event must be triggered by some other piece of code running somewhere in the game. It is created by calling the default constructor for type KRPC.Services.Event.

For example, the following example is a procedure that returns an event that triggers after a given number of milliseconds. When the event triggers it is removed.

public static KRPC.Service.Messages.Event OnTimer(uint milliseconds) {
    // Create the event
    var evnt = new KRPC.Service.Event ();

    // Set up a timer that will trigger the event
    var timer = new System.Timers.Timer (milliseconds);
    timer.Elapsed += (s, e) => {
        evnt.Trigger ();
        evnt.Remove ();
        timer.Enabled = false;

    // Return the message describing the event to the client
    return evnt.Message;

Actively Polled Events

This type of event contains a function that is evaluated once per game update. When the function returns true, the event is triggered. The event object is passed to the function so that it can manipulate it as desired.

For example the following creates an event that triggers when the active vessel reaches the given altitude. The event is removed the first time it triggers.

public static KRPC.Service.Messages.Event OnAltitudeReached(uint altitude) {
    // Create the event
    var evnt = new KRPC.Service.Event ((KRPC.Service.Event e) => {
        bool result = FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.terrainAltitude > altitude;
        if (result)
        return result;

    // Return the message describing the event to the client
    return evnt.Message;

Game Scenes

Anything that can be called is configured to be available from a particular game scene, or scenes. This includes service procedures and properties, and class methods and properties. This is controlled by the following enumeration:

enum KRPC.Service.GameScene

Inherit the game scene from the containing service or class. This is the default.


All game scenes.


The game scene showing the Kerbal Space Center buildings.


The game scene showing a vessel in flight (or on the launchpad/runway).


The tracking station.


The Vehicle Assembly Building.


The Space Plane Hangar.


Either the VAB or the SPH.


The mission builder.

The special enumeration value KRPC.Service.GameScene.Inherit can be used to inherit the game scene setting from the containing service or class. Game scene inheritance works as follows:


  • Declare a service whose procedures are available in the KRPC.Service.GameScene.Flight game scene:

    [KRPCService (GameScene = GameScene.Flight)]
    public static class MyService {
  • Declare a service whose procedures are available in the KRPC.Service.GameScene.Flight and KRPC.Service.GameScene.Editor game scenes:

    [KRPCService (GameScene = (GameScene.Flight | GameScene.Editor))]
    public static class MyService {
  • Declare a service whose procedures are available in the KRPC.Service.GameScene.Flight game scene by default, and declare a procedure which overrides this and is available in all game scenes:

    [KRPCService (GameScene = GameScene.Flight)]
    public static class MyService {
       [KRPCProcedure (GameScene = GameScene.All)]
       public static string MyProcedure() {


Documentation can be added using C# XML documentation. For dynamic clients, such as the Python and Lua clients, the documentation will be automatically exported to clients when they connect.

Further Examples

See the SpaceCenter service implementation for more extensive examples.

Generating Service Code for Static Clients

Some of the client libraries dynamically construct the code necessary to interact with the server when they connect. This means that these libraries will automatically pick up changes to service code. Such client libraries include those for Python and Lua.

Other client libraries required code to be generated and compiled into them statically. They do not automatically pick up changes to service code. Such client libraries include those for C++ and C#.

Code for these ‘static’ libraries is generated using the krpc-clientgen tool. This is provided as part of the krpctools python package. It can be installed using pip:

pip install krpctools

You can then run the script from the command line:

$ krpc-clientgen --help

usage: krpc-clientgen [-h] [-v] [-o OUTPUT] [--ksp KSP]
                      [--output-defs OUTPUT_DEFS]
                      {cpp,csharp,java} service input [input ...]

Generate client source code for kRPC services.

positional arguments:
  {cpp,csharp,java}     Language to generate
  service               Name of service to generate
  input                 Path to service definition JSON file or assembly

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --version         show program's version number and exit
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        Path to write source code to. If not specified, writes
                        source code to standard output.
  --ksp KSP             Path to Kerbal Space Program directory. Required when
                        reading from an assembly DLL(s)
  --output-defs OUTPUT_DEFS
                        When generting client code from a DLL, output the
                        service definitions to the given JSON file

Client code can be generated either directly from an assembly DLL containing the service, or from a JSON file that has previously been generated from an assembly DLL (using the --output-defs flag).

Generating client code from an assembly DLL requires a copy of Kerbal Space Program and a C# runtime to be available on the machine. In contrast, generating client code from a JSON file does not have these requirements and so is more portable.


The following demonstrates how to generate code for the C++ and C# clients to interact with the LaunchControl service, given in an example previously.

krpc-clientgen expects to be passed the location of your copy of Kerbal Space Program, the name of the language to generate, the name of the service (from the KRPCService attribute), a path to the assembly containing the service and the path to write the generated code to.

For C++, run the following:

krpc-clientgen --ksp=/path/to/ksp cpp LaunchControl LaunchControl.dll launch_control.hpp

To then use the LaunchControl service from C++, you need to link your code against the C++ client library, and include launch_control.hpp.

For C#, run the following:

krpc-clientgen --ksp=/path/to/ksp csharp LaunchControl LaunchControl.dll LaunchControl.cs

To then use the LaunchControl service from a C# client, you need to reference the KRPC.Client.dll and include LaunchControl.cs in your project.