
public class Camera

Controls the game’s camera. Obtained by calling getCamera().

CameraMode getMode()
void setMode(CameraMode value)

The current mode of the camera.

Game Scenes:


float getPitch()
void setPitch(float value)

The pitch of the camera, in degrees. A value between Camera.getMinPitch() and Camera.getMaxPitch()

Game Scenes:


float getHeading()
void setHeading(float value)

The heading of the camera, in degrees.

Game Scenes:


float getDistance()
void setDistance(float value)

The distance from the camera to the subject, in meters. A value between Camera.getMinDistance() and Camera.getMaxDistance().

Game Scenes:


float getMinPitch()

The minimum pitch of the camera.

Game Scenes:


float getMaxPitch()

The maximum pitch of the camera.

Game Scenes:


float getMinDistance()

Minimum distance from the camera to the subject, in meters.

Game Scenes:


float getMaxDistance()

Maximum distance from the camera to the subject, in meters.

Game Scenes:


float getDefaultDistance()

Default distance from the camera to the subject, in meters.

Game Scenes:


CelestialBody getFocussedBody()
void setFocussedBody(CelestialBody value)

In map mode, the celestial body that the camera is focussed on. Returns null if the camera is not focussed on a celestial body. Returns an error is the camera is not in map mode.

Game Scenes:


Vessel getFocussedVessel()
void setFocussedVessel(Vessel value)

In map mode, the vessel that the camera is focussed on. Returns null if the camera is not focussed on a vessel. Returns an error is the camera is not in map mode.

Game Scenes:


Node getFocussedNode()
void setFocussedNode(Node value)

In map mode, the maneuver node that the camera is focussed on. Returns null if the camera is not focussed on a maneuver node. Returns an error is the camera is not in map mode.

Game Scenes:


public enum CameraMode

See Camera.getMode().

public CameraMode AUTOMATIC

The camera is showing the active vessel, in “auto” mode.

public CameraMode FREE

The camera is showing the active vessel, in “free” mode.

public CameraMode CHASE

The camera is showing the active vessel, in “chase” mode.

public CameraMode LOCKED

The camera is showing the active vessel, in “locked” mode.

public CameraMode ORBITAL

The camera is showing the active vessel, in “orbital” mode.

public CameraMode IVA

The Intra-Vehicular Activity view is being shown.

public CameraMode MAP

The map view is being shown.