
public class KerbalAlarmClock

This service provides functionality to interact with Kerbal Alarm Clock.

boolean getAvailable()

Whether Kerbal Alarm Clock is available.

java.util.List<Alarm> getAlarms()

A list of all the alarms.

Alarm alarmWithName(String name)

Get the alarm with the given name, or null if no alarms have that name. If more than one alarm has the name, only returns one of them.

  • name (String) – Name of the alarm to search for.

java.util.List<Alarm> alarmsWithType(AlarmType type)

Get a list of alarms of the specified type.

  • type (AlarmType) – Type of alarm to return.

Alarm createAlarm(AlarmType type, String name, double ut)

Create a new alarm and return it.

  • type (AlarmType) – Type of the new alarm.

  • name (String) – Name of the new alarm.

  • ut (double) – Time at which the new alarm should trigger.