public class KRPC

Main kRPC service, used by clients to interact with basic server functionality.

byte[] getClientID()

Returns the identifier for the current client.

String getClientName()

Returns the name of the current client. This is an empty string if the client has no name.

java.util.List<org.javatuples.Triplet<byte[], String, String>> getClients()

A list of RPC clients that are currently connected to the server. Each entry in the list is a clients identifier, name and address.

krpc.schema.KRPC.Status getStatus()

Returns some information about the server, such as the version.

krpc.schema.KRPC.Services getServices()

Returns information on all services, procedures, classes, properties etc. provided by the server. Can be used by client libraries to automatically create functionality such as stubs.

GameScene getCurrentGameScene()

Get the current game scene.

boolean getPaused()
void setPaused(boolean value)

Whether the game is paused.

public enum GameScene

The game scene. See getCurrentGameScene().

public GameScene SPACE_CENTER

The game scene showing the Kerbal Space Center buildings.

public GameScene FLIGHT

The game scene showing a vessel in flight (or on the launchpad/runway).


The tracking station.

public GameScene EDITOR_VAB

The Vehicle Assembly Building.

public GameScene EDITOR_SPH

The Space Plane Hangar.

public class InvalidOperationException

A method call was made to a method that is invalid given the current state of the object.

public class ArgumentException

A method was invoked where at least one of the passed arguments does not meet the parameter specification of the method.

public class ArgumentNullException

A null reference was passed to a method that does not accept it as a valid argument.

public class ArgumentOutOfRangeException

The value of an argument is outside the allowable range of values as defined by the invoked method.