C-nano Client

This client provides a C API for interacting with a kRPC server. It is intended for use on embedded systems with tight resource constraints, hence the “nano” in its name.

Installing the Library

Manually include the source in your project

The source files can be included in your project manually, by downloading and extracting the source archive from the GitHub release page. The header files can be found in the include directory and the source files are in src.

Arduino Library Manager

If you are writing an Arduino sketch, the library can be installed using the Arduino Library Manager by searching for and installing “kRPC”.


The source files installed by the Arduino Library Manager are renamed to end with .cpp so that they are built using the C++ compiler. This allows the library to use the C++ only HardwareSerial class for communication.

Using the configure script

You can build and install the client library and headers using the configure script provided with the source. Download the source archive <https://github.com/krpc/krpc/releases>_, extract it and then execute the following:

sudo make install
sudo ldconfig

Using CMake

Alternatively, you can install the client library and headers using CMake. Download the source archive <https://github.com/krpc/krpc/releases>_, extract it and execute the following:

cmake .
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig

Compilation Options

The following options control how the library operates. They must be specified at compile time as an argument to the compiler.

  • Error handling

    • KRPC_ERROR_CHECK_RETURN (the default) – when a remote procedure call gets an error, it returns the error code.

    • KRPC_ERROR_CHECK_EXIT – terminates the program (by calling exit()) when an error occurs in a remote procedure call.

    • KRPC_ERROR_CHECK_ASSERT – fails a debug assertion (by calling assert()) when an error occurs in a remote procedure call.

    • KRPC_ERROR_CHECK_FN – specifies the krpc_error_handler function should be called when an error occurs in a remote procedure call. This should be set to a pointer to a function that takes a single parameter of type krpc_error_t.

    • KRPC_PRINT_ERRORS_TO_STDERR – enables printing of a descriptive error message to stderr when an error occurs

    • PB_NO_ERRMSG – disables error messages in the nanopb library, which kRPC uses to communicate with the server. Enabled by default on in the Arduino version of the library.

  • Communication

    • KRPC_COMMUNICATION_POSIX – Specifies that the library should be built to communicate over a serial port using POSIX read/write functions communication mechanisms. This is the default, unless the a different platform is detected.

    • KRPC_COMMUNICATION_ARDUINO – Specifies that the library should be built using Arduino serial communication mechanisms. The Arduino platform will be auto-detected so you do not need to specify this manually.

    • KRPC_COMMUNICATION_CUSTOM – Allows you to provide your own implementation for the communication mechanism.

  • Memory allocation

    • KRPC_ALLOC_BLOCK_SIZE – The size of collections (lists, sets, etc.) are not know ahead of time, so when they are received from the server they are decoded into dynamically allocated memory on the heap. This option controls how many items to increase the capacity of the collection by when its space is exhausted. Setting this to 1 will consume the least amount of heap memory, but will require one heap allocation call per item. Setting this to a higher value will consume more memory, but require fewer allocations.

    • KRPC_CUSTOM_MEMORY_ALLOC – Disables the default implementation of memory allocation functions krpc_malloc, krpc_calloc, krpc_recalloc and krpc_free so that you can provide your own implementation.


On embedded systems you probably want to define KRPC_NO_PRINT_ERROR and PB_NO_ERRMSG to minimize the memory footprint of kRPC.

Configuring the Server

The C-nano client library communicates with the server over a serial port using protobuf messages. The kRPC server, which runs in the game, needs to be configured to use the serial port protocol (instead of the default TCP/IP protocol). This can be done from the in-game server configuration window, which also allows settings such as the port name and baud rate to be configured.

Using the Library on a POSIX System

On POSIX systems (such as Linux) the following example program connects to the server, queries it for its version and prints it out:

#include <krpc_cnano.h>
#include <krpc_cnano/services/krpc.h>

int main() {
  krpc_connection_t conn;
  krpc_open(&conn, "COM0");
  krpc_connect(conn, "Basic example");
  krpc_schema_Status status;
  krpc_KRPC_GetStatus(conn, &status);
  printf("Connected to kRPC server version %s\n", status.version);

To compile this program using GCC, save the source as main.c and run the following:

gcc main.c -lkrpc_cnano

The krpc_connect() function is used to open a connection to a server. It takes as its first argument a connection object into which the connection information is written. This is passed to subsequent calls to interact with the server. The second argument is a name for the connection (displayed in game) and the third is the name of the serial port to connect over.

Using the Library on an Arduino

The following example demonstrates how to connect to the server from an Arduino, through its serial port interface:

#include <krpc_cnano.h>
#include <krpc_cnano/services/krpc.h>

HardwareSerial * conn;

void setup() {
  digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);

  conn = &Serial;
  // Open the serial port connection
  krpc_open(&conn, NULL);
  // Set up communication with the server
  krpc_connect(conn, "Arduino Example");

  // Indicate succesful connection by lighting the on-board LED
  digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH);

void loop() {

Calling Remote Procedures

The kRPC server provides procedures that a client can run. These procedures are arranged in groups called services to keep things organized. The functionality for the services are defined in the header files in krpc/services/.... For example, all of the functionality provided by the SpaceCenter service is contained in the header file krpc/services/space_center.h.

The following example demonstrates how to invoke remote procedures using the Cnano client. It calls krpc_SpaceCenter_ActiveVessel() to get a handle to the active vessel (of type krpc_SpaceCenter_Vessel_t). It sets the name of the vessel and then prints out its altitude:

#include <krpc_cnano.h>
#include <krpc_cnano/services/space_center.h>

int main() {
  krpc_connection_t conn;
  krpc_open(&conn, "COM0");
  krpc_connect(conn, "Remote Procedures example");

  krpc_SpaceCenter_Vessel_t vessel;
  krpc_SpaceCenter_ActiveVessel(conn, &vessel);

  krpc_SpaceCenter_Vessel_set_Name(conn, vessel, "My Vessel");

  // Get a handle to a Flight object for the vessel
  krpc_SpaceCenter_Flight_t flight;
  krpc_SpaceCenter_Vessel_Flight(conn, &flight, vessel, KRPC_NULL);
  // Get the altiude
  double altitude;
  krpc_SpaceCenter_Flight_MeanAltitude(conn, &altitude, flight);
  printf("%.2f\n", altitude);

Streams and Events

These features are not yet supported by this client.

Client API Reference

krpc_error_t krpc_open(krpc_connection_t *connection, const krpc_connection_config_t *arg)

Create a communication handle over which the client can talk to a server.

When the library is built using KRPC_COMMUNICATION_POSIX (which is defined by default) calling this function opens a serial port using the port name passed as arg, using a call to open(arg, ...). In this case the type of the arg parameter is const char *. For example:

krpc_connection_t conn;
krpc_open(&conn, "COM0");

When the library is built using KRPC_COMMUNICATION_ARDUINO, connection must be a pointer to a HardwareSerial object. arg is optionally used to pass additional configuration options used to initialize the connection, including baud rate for the serial port.

If arg is set to NULL the connection is initialized with a baud rate of 9600 and defaults SERIAL_8N1 for data, parity and stop bits. For example:

krpc_connection_t conn;
krpc_open(&conn, NULL);

When arg set to a pointer to a structure of type krpc_connection_config_t, the baud rate, and data, parity and stop bits in the structure are used to initialize the connection. For example:

krpc_connection_t conn;
krpc_connection_config_t config;
config.speed = 115200;
config.config = SERIAL_5N1;
krpc_open(&conn, &config);
krpc_error_t krpc_connect(krpc_connection_t connection, const char *name)

Connect to a kRPC server.

  • connection (krpc_connection_t) – A connection handle, created using a call to krpc_open().

  • name (const char*) – A descriptive name for the connection. This is passed to the server and appears in the in-game server window.

krpc_error_t krpc_close(krpc_connection_t connection)

Closes the communication handle.

type krpc_error_t

All kRPC functions return error codes of this type.


The function completed successfully and no error occurred.


An input/output error occurred when communicating with the server.


End of file was received from the server.


Failed to establish a connection to the server.


The remote procedure call did not return a result.


The remote procedure call threw an exception.


The encoder failed to construct the remote procedure call.


The decoder failed to interpret a result sent by the server.

const char *krpc_get_error(krpc_error_t error)

Returns a descriptive string for the given error code.