.. default-domain:: csharp .. highlight:: csharp .. namespace:: KRPC.Client.Services.SpaceCenter AutoPilot ========= .. class:: AutoPilot Provides basic auto-piloting utilities for a vessel. Created by calling :prop:`Vessel.AutoPilot`. .. note:: If a client engages the auto-pilot and then closes its connection to the server, the auto-pilot will be disengaged and its target reference frame, direction and roll reset to default. .. method:: void Engage() Engage the auto-pilot. :Game Scenes: Flight .. method:: void Disengage() Disengage the auto-pilot. :Game Scenes: Flight .. method:: void Wait() Blocks until the vessel is pointing in the target direction and has the target roll (if set). Throws an exception if the auto-pilot has not been engaged. :Game Scenes: Flight .. property:: float Error { get; } The error, in degrees, between the direction the ship has been asked to point in and the direction it is pointing in. Throws an exception if the auto-pilot has not been engaged and SAS is not enabled or is in stability assist mode. :Game Scenes: Flight .. property:: float PitchError { get; } The error, in degrees, between the vessels current and target pitch. Throws an exception if the auto-pilot has not been engaged. :Game Scenes: Flight .. property:: float HeadingError { get; } The error, in degrees, between the vessels current and target heading. Throws an exception if the auto-pilot has not been engaged. :Game Scenes: Flight .. property:: float RollError { get; } The error, in degrees, between the vessels current and target roll. Throws an exception if the auto-pilot has not been engaged or no target roll is set. :Game Scenes: Flight .. property:: ReferenceFrame ReferenceFrame { get; set; } The reference frame for the target direction (:prop:`AutoPilot.TargetDirection`). :Game Scenes: Flight .. note:: An error will be thrown if this property is set to a reference frame that rotates with the vessel being controlled, as it is impossible to rotate the vessel in such a reference frame. .. property:: float TargetPitch { get; set; } The target pitch, in degrees, between -90° and +90°. :Game Scenes: Flight .. property:: float TargetHeading { get; set; } The target heading, in degrees, between 0° and 360°. :Game Scenes: Flight .. property:: float TargetRoll { get; set; } The target roll, in degrees. ``NaN`` if no target roll is set. :Game Scenes: Flight .. property:: System.Tuple TargetDirection { get; set; } Direction vector corresponding to the target pitch and heading. This is in the reference frame specified by :type:`ReferenceFrame`. :Game Scenes: Flight .. method:: void TargetPitchAndHeading(float pitch, float heading) Set target pitch and heading angles. :parameters: * **pitch** -- Target pitch angle, in degrees between -90° and +90°. * **heading** -- Target heading angle, in degrees between 0° and 360°. :Game Scenes: Flight .. property:: bool SAS { get; set; } The state of SAS. :Game Scenes: Flight .. note:: Equivalent to :prop:`Control.SAS` .. property:: SASMode SASMode { get; set; } The current :type:`SASMode`. These modes are equivalent to the mode buttons to the left of the navball that appear when SAS is enabled. :Game Scenes: Flight .. note:: Equivalent to :prop:`Control.SASMode` .. property:: double RollThreshold { get; set; } The threshold at which the autopilot will try to match the target roll angle, if any. Defaults to 5 degrees. :Game Scenes: Flight .. property:: System.Tuple StoppingTime { get; set; } The maximum amount of time that the vessel should need to come to a complete stop. This determines the maximum angular velocity of the vessel. A vector of three stopping times, in seconds, one for each of the pitch, roll and yaw axes. Defaults to 0.5 seconds for each axis. :Game Scenes: Flight .. property:: System.Tuple DecelerationTime { get; set; } The time the vessel should take to come to a stop pointing in the target direction. This determines the angular acceleration used to decelerate the vessel. A vector of three times, in seconds, one for each of the pitch, roll and yaw axes. Defaults to 5 seconds for each axis. :Game Scenes: Flight .. property:: System.Tuple AttenuationAngle { get; set; } The angle at which the autopilot considers the vessel to be pointing close to the target. This determines the midpoint of the target velocity attenuation function. A vector of three angles, in degrees, one for each of the pitch, roll and yaw axes. Defaults to 1° for each axis. :Game Scenes: Flight .. property:: bool AutoTune { get; set; } Whether the rotation rate controllers PID parameters should be automatically tuned using the vessels moment of inertia and available torque. Defaults to ``true``. See :prop:`AutoPilot.TimeToPeak` and :prop:`AutoPilot.Overshoot`. :Game Scenes: Flight .. property:: System.Tuple TimeToPeak { get; set; } The target time to peak used to autotune the PID controllers. A vector of three times, in seconds, for each of the pitch, roll and yaw axes. Defaults to 3 seconds for each axis. :Game Scenes: Flight .. property:: System.Tuple Overshoot { get; set; } The target overshoot percentage used to autotune the PID controllers. A vector of three values, between 0 and 1, for each of the pitch, roll and yaw axes. Defaults to 0.01 for each axis. :Game Scenes: Flight .. property:: System.Tuple PitchPIDGains { get; set; } Gains for the pitch PID controller. :Game Scenes: Flight .. note:: When :prop:`AutoPilot.AutoTune` is true, these values are updated automatically, which will overwrite any manual changes. .. property:: System.Tuple RollPIDGains { get; set; } Gains for the roll PID controller. :Game Scenes: Flight .. note:: When :prop:`AutoPilot.AutoTune` is true, these values are updated automatically, which will overwrite any manual changes. .. property:: System.Tuple YawPIDGains { get; set; } Gains for the yaw PID controller. :Game Scenes: Flight .. note:: When :prop:`AutoPilot.AutoTune` is true, these values are updated automatically, which will overwrite any manual changes.