.. default-domain:: csharp .. highlight:: csharp .. namespace:: KRPC.Client.Services.KerbalAlarmClock Alarm ===== .. class:: Alarm Represents an alarm. Obtained by calling :prop:`KerbalAlarmClock.Alarms`, :meth:`KerbalAlarmClock.AlarmWithName` or :meth:`KerbalAlarmClock.AlarmsWithType`. .. property:: AlarmAction Action { get; set; } The action that the alarm triggers. :Game Scenes: All .. property:: double Margin { get; set; } The number of seconds before the event that the alarm will fire. :Game Scenes: All .. property:: double Time { get; set; } The time at which the alarm will fire. :Game Scenes: All .. property:: AlarmType Type { get; } The type of the alarm. :Game Scenes: All .. property:: string ID { get; } The unique identifier for the alarm. :Game Scenes: All .. property:: string Name { get; set; } The short name of the alarm. :Game Scenes: All .. property:: string Notes { get; set; } The long description of the alarm. :Game Scenes: All .. property:: double Remaining { get; } The number of seconds until the alarm will fire. :Game Scenes: All .. property:: bool Repeat { get; set; } Whether the alarm will be repeated after it has fired. :Game Scenes: All .. property:: double RepeatPeriod { get; set; } The time delay to automatically create an alarm after it has fired. :Game Scenes: All .. property:: SpaceCenter.Vessel Vessel { get; set; } The vessel that the alarm is attached to. :Game Scenes: All .. property:: SpaceCenter.CelestialBody XferOriginBody { get; set; } The celestial body the vessel is departing from. :Game Scenes: All .. property:: SpaceCenter.CelestialBody XferTargetBody { get; set; } The celestial body the vessel is arriving at. :Game Scenes: All .. method:: void Remove() Removes the alarm. :Game Scenes: All