.. default-domain:: csharp .. highlight:: csharp .. namespace:: KRPC.Client.Services.InfernalRobotics Servo ===== .. class:: Servo Represents a servo. Obtained using :prop:`ServoGroup.Servos`, :meth:`ServoGroup.ServoWithName` or :meth:`InfernalRobotics.ServoWithName`. .. property:: string Name { get; set; } The name of the servo. :Game Scenes: Flight .. property:: SpaceCenter.Part Part { get; } The part containing the servo. :Game Scenes: Flight .. property:: bool Highlight { set; } Whether the servo should be highlighted in-game. :Game Scenes: Flight .. property:: float Position { get; } The position of the servo. :Game Scenes: Flight .. property:: float MinConfigPosition { get; } The minimum position of the servo, specified by the part configuration. :Game Scenes: Flight .. property:: float MaxConfigPosition { get; } The maximum position of the servo, specified by the part configuration. :Game Scenes: Flight .. property:: float MinPosition { get; set; } The minimum position of the servo, specified by the in-game tweak menu. :Game Scenes: Flight .. property:: float MaxPosition { get; set; } The maximum position of the servo, specified by the in-game tweak menu. :Game Scenes: Flight .. property:: float ConfigSpeed { get; } The speed multiplier of the servo, specified by the part configuration. :Game Scenes: Flight .. property:: float Speed { get; set; } The speed multiplier of the servo, specified by the in-game tweak menu. :Game Scenes: Flight .. property:: float CurrentSpeed { get; } The current speed at which the servo is moving. :Game Scenes: Flight .. property:: float Acceleration { get; set; } The current speed multiplier set in the UI. :Game Scenes: Flight .. property:: bool IsMoving { get; } Whether the servo is moving. :Game Scenes: Flight .. property:: bool IsFreeMoving { get; } Whether the servo is freely moving. :Game Scenes: Flight .. property:: bool IsLocked { get; set; } Whether the servo is locked. :Game Scenes: Flight .. property:: bool IsAxisInverted { get; set; } Whether the servos axis is inverted. :Game Scenes: Flight .. method:: void MoveRight() Moves the servo to the right. :Game Scenes: Flight .. method:: void MoveLeft() Moves the servo to the left. :Game Scenes: Flight .. method:: void MoveCenter() Moves the servo to the center. :Game Scenes: Flight .. method:: void MoveTo(float position, float speed) Moves the servo to *position* and sets the speed multiplier to *speed*. :parameters: * **position** -- The position to move the servo to. * **speed** -- Speed multiplier for the movement. :Game Scenes: Flight .. method:: void Stop() Stops the servo. :Game Scenes: Flight