.. default-domain:: cpp .. highlight:: cpp .. namespace:: krpc::services::InfernalRobotics InfernalRobotics ================ .. namespace:: krpc::services .. class:: InfernalRobotics : public krpc::Service This service provides functionality to interact with `Infernal Robotics `_. .. function:: InfernalRobotics(krpc::Client* client) Construct an instance of this service. .. function:: bool available() Whether Infernal Robotics is installed. :Game Scenes: Flight .. function:: bool ready() Whether Infernal Robotics API is ready. :Game Scenes: Flight .. function:: std::vector servo_groups(SpaceCenter::Vessel vessel) A list of all the servo groups in the given *vessel*. :Parameters: :Game Scenes: Flight .. function:: ServoGroup servo_group_with_name(SpaceCenter::Vessel vessel, std::string name) Returns the servo group in the given *vessel* with the given *name*, or ``NULL`` if none exists. If multiple servo groups have the same name, only one of them is returned. :Parameters: * **vessel** -- Vessel to check. * **name** -- Name of servo group to find. :Game Scenes: Flight .. function:: Servo servo_with_name(SpaceCenter::Vessel vessel, std::string name) Returns the servo in the given *vessel* with the given *name* or ``NULL`` if none exists. If multiple servos have the same name, only one of them is returned. :Parameters: * **vessel** -- Vessel to check. * **name** -- Name of the servo to find. :Game Scenes: Flight