.. default-domain:: c .. highlight:: c Panel ===== .. type:: krpc_UI_Panel_t A container for user interface elements. See :func:`krpc_UI_Canvas_AddPanel`. .. function:: krpc_error_t krpc_UI_Panel_RectTransform(krpc_connection_t connection, krpc_UI_RectTransform_t * result) The rect transform for the panel. .. function:: krpc_error_t krpc_UI_Panel_Visible(krpc_connection_t connection, bool * result) .. function:: void krpc_UI_Panel_set_Visible(bool value) Whether the UI object is visible. .. function:: krpc_error_t krpc_UI_Panel_AddPanel(krpc_connection_t connection, krpc_UI_Panel_t * result, bool visible) Create a panel within this panel. :Parameters: * **visible** -- Whether the new panel is visible. .. function:: krpc_error_t krpc_UI_Panel_AddText(krpc_connection_t connection, krpc_UI_Text_t * result, const char * content, bool visible) Add text to the panel. :Parameters: * **content** -- The text. * **visible** -- Whether the text is visible. .. function:: krpc_error_t krpc_UI_Panel_AddInputField(krpc_connection_t connection, krpc_UI_InputField_t * result, bool visible) Add an input field to the panel. :Parameters: * **visible** -- Whether the input field is visible. .. function:: krpc_error_t krpc_UI_Panel_AddButton(krpc_connection_t connection, krpc_UI_Button_t * result, const char * content, bool visible) Add a button to the panel. :Parameters: * **content** -- The label for the button. * **visible** -- Whether the button is visible. .. function:: krpc_error_t krpc_UI_Panel_Remove(krpc_connection_t connection) Remove the UI object.