.. default-domain:: c .. highlight:: c KerbalAlarmClock ================ Service KerbalAlarmClock This service provides functionality to interact with `Kerbal Alarm Clock `_. .. function:: krpc_error_t krpc_KerbalAlarmClock_Available(krpc_connection_t connection, bool * result) Whether Kerbal Alarm Clock is available. .. function:: krpc_error_t krpc_KerbalAlarmClock_Alarms(krpc_connection_t connection, krpc_list_object_t * result) A list of all the alarms. .. function:: krpc_error_t krpc_KerbalAlarmClock_AlarmWithName(krpc_connection_t connection, krpc_KerbalAlarmClock_Alarm_t * result, const char * name) Get the alarm with the given *name*, or ``nullptr`` if no alarms have that name. If more than one alarm has the name, only returns one of them. :Parameters: * **name** -- Name of the alarm to search for. .. function:: krpc_error_t krpc_KerbalAlarmClock_AlarmsWithType(krpc_connection_t connection, krpc_list_object_t * result, krpc_KerbalAlarmClock_AlarmType_t type) Get a list of alarms of the specified *type*. :Parameters: * **type** -- Type of alarm to return. .. function:: krpc_error_t krpc_KerbalAlarmClock_CreateAlarm(krpc_connection_t connection, krpc_KerbalAlarmClock_Alarm_t * result, krpc_KerbalAlarmClock_AlarmType_t type, const char * name, double ut) Create a new alarm and return it. :Parameters: * **type** -- Type of the new alarm. * **name** -- Name of the new alarm. * **ut** -- Time at which the new alarm should trigger.